October 7: Andouille de Guéméné

Andouille de Guéméné旅行中に一回は何時もデパートとかの食料品売り場でハムやチーズとパンとワイン買ってきてホテルでローカルテレビ観ながら酒盛り(?)するのが趣味(?)なの。皆もやるよね?それでちょっと珍しいソーセージ見つけたの。ブリタニー名産の豚の内臓で出来たアンドゥイーユドゲメネ。美味しいよ~美味しいマスタードがあったらもっとイケルかも!

When traveling, I love going shopping at a local market and buying cold cuts, cheese, bread, and wine and spending a night watching local TV while munching on the snacks. So this time around, I found this Andouille de Guéméné which is a sliced sausage of awesome piggie parts. This stuff could be addictive. I think it would’ve been even better with some really good mustard. It’s a specialty of Brittany. I’ve always wanted to go there once. I guess I should start planning a trip!

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