September 10: Eleven Madison Park

素敵なディナーに行って来ちゃいました!数年前にシェフが変わってからまだ行く機会のなかったEleven Madison Park、メニューの感じがとてもモダン。演出もとても楽しませてくれました。テーブルに座る前にキッチンへちょっとお邪魔して特別カクテル(写真に写っているのがそのぶどうのカクテル)!テーブルではアペタイザーが出てくる前に数々のアミューズが面白いしビックリ美味しい!ヤギのチーズのミニアイスキャンディーやビーツのマシュマロってモダンな技術で作られた物も出て来れば完璧に調理されたポークチョップも出て来るとても良いバランス!ブラボー!こんな素敵なディナー本当に久しぶり!楽しかった〜

Dinner at Eleven Madison Park. I knew it would be really good, but I didn’t know it would be this outstanding! We started off by a visit to the kitchen where we had a specially concocted grape cocktail (that’s what’s in the picture). Then we were whisked away to the table where countless of whimsical amuses came out. A goat cheese lollipop and beets marshmallows just to name a few.  Then beautifully presented dishes as we ordered from a simple menu where you just pick the main focus and leave it to the chef to cook it in the best manner. I really liked the balance of the mixed molecular gastronomy and a more classical approaches to cooking. Keeping the taste end experience as the priority. It was such an exciting meal!

Photos of the meal | 写真.

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