Faena Hotel Miami Beach

Faena Hotel Miami Beach

マイアミにFaenaと言うアルゼンチンのホテルが出来ました!そこに何故か大きな黄金のマンモス(本物らしい)が立派に飾られています。こうゆうアートってどうやって出来るのかね?マンモスの骨なんて簡単に買える物でも無いし。って不思議に思いながらホテル内のアルゼンチンレストランLos Fuegosでチミチューリを付けた大きなステーキを食べてきました!美味しかったけどお値段が。。。おそらく有名シェフだからかな?

The Argentinean hotel, Faena opened in Miami! And as their pièce de résistance, they have installed an impressive golden mammoth display. The piece is called “Gone but not Forgotten” (2014) by Damien Hirst. So how does an artist go about obtaining a mammoth to make art? It’s not like you can go buy the bones somewhere. Pondering such things, I went to the restaurant in the hotel called Los Fuegos to have a massive rib eye steak with some chimichurri. Great Argentinian flavors! But with an even greater price tag. Maybe because of the big name chef!

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