A year ago today, I was moving mom’s apartment in Tokyo. A few months later, I was moving my sister’s apartment from New York to Miami. And today, I am packing to move myself to Miami. I’ve become almost like a professional packer now. But it is a lot of work. In Japan there’s a saying that one’s so busy that you want even your cat to lend a hand. Here is Sherlock lending me his hand as I pack his many fluffy beds and toys.
丁度一年前の今日東京でお母さんのお引越しをしていました。その数ヶ月後にはニューヨークからマイアミに ShoeLady のお引越しで荷造り奮闘していたな。それで今日、今度は自分の引越しの番。ここまでしょっちゅう引越し荷物を作っているとプロ並みになった様な気がします。それでも忙しいですね。今回は猫の手も借りてみましたが特に捗りません。