November 20: Meet the breeds

犬猫イベントMeet the Breedsに行って来ちゃった!200種類以上のワンちゃんや猫ちゃんに会えるショー。本当に200匹以上いたよ!人間も大勢。。。ニューヨーカーはペット好きなのだ。ワンちゃん達は何かカメラ慣れしていてこんな感じに写真に応じていました。

I went to Meet the Breeds! Where you get to meet over 200 breeds of dogs and cats. They were all super cute! From the ginormous (is that a pony?) to the mini (is that smaller than a NY rat?!). And apparently, NYers love pets because it was a pretty big crowd. Funnily enough, the stars (dogs) seemed to have been used to the paparazzi so most of them were expertly posing. Like this chow chow here.

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