March 25: Pepe Rosso To Go

pepe rosso to go


時々美味しいパスタが食べたくならない?それも全然気取ってなくてシンプルなパスタ。シンプルなほど本当に美味しいパスタに出会うのが難しいような気がしない?最近よくソーホにお昼ごろ居るからそれをきっかけに小さい小さいイタリアンのPepe Rosso To Goでランチタイム!何時も凄く混み合うからちょっと時間を外して。なんたって小さいテーブルが4コぐらいしか無いお店(だからお持ち帰りが多いんだけど)だから。今日はポルチーニの入ったトマトソースのタリオリーニ。ん!満足!

Don’t you get a pasta craving sometimes? A very simple and classic pasta in a hole-in-the-wall restaurant. Nothing fancy. And aren’t these simplest of dishes really hard to find made really well? I’ve been finding myself around SoHo around lunch time these days so taking that as an opportunity, I took myself to Pepe Rosso To Go. At a bit off-peak lunch hour since the restaurant is tiny tiny (about 4 small tables) and perennially packed. There, I got my fix of tagliolini porcini mushroom and tomato cream sauce which totally satisfied my craving! Happy.

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