Lunch in Malibu

A quick stop in Malibu to shop and have lunch on the way to the airport. Also happens to be the only time to catch our breath after a month in LA working. This seafood shack is called Broad Street Oyster Company and there’s a setup outdoors where you can eat what you bought if you want to have it right away. And you should have it as fresh as possible before the ice melts under the oysters, the melted butter on the lobster roll is still warm, and the fries are hot and crispy. And the sea urchin! Santa Barbara sea urchins are just so good! I mean, look! BTW, because we were enjoying our lunch so much, we missed our flight after this.

ロスで1ヶ月のお仕事を終えて飛行場に行く途中にマリブに寄り道。お買い物とランチ!ここはBroad Street Oyster Companyと言って買ったシーフードをその場で食べれるピクニックエリアが外にあります。お持ち帰りするよりも牡蠣は氷が溶ける前に、溶けたバターがかかったロブスターはバターが温かいうちに、ポテトは熱々カリカリの内に食べないと損です。それにサンタバーバラのウニ、食べるの待てる人はそういないと思います。美味しそうでしょ?因みに呑気に食べていたら私たち飛行機乗り遅れました。

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