December 8: Taverna Kyclades

ギリシャ街でギリシャレストラン、Taverna Kyclades、それも雨の日の夕方5時過ぎなのにもう行列が出来ているところ!諦めようかと思ったけどやっぱり気になるからワインでも飲みながら待ってみました。そして待った甲斐があったよ。中に入るともうNYではありません。大勢でワイワイガヤガヤしながら食べる感じ。鯛の丸焼きやタコのグリル、やたらにやめられないサイドのレモンポテト。みんな素材本来の味で美味しかった〜今度はもっと大勢で来よう!

Going to a Greek restaurant in Astoria, I imagine, is pretty close to going to a restaurant somewhere in Greece. On a rainy late afternoon (like at 5pm!!), this restaurant, Taverna Kyclades, already had a line and of course, they take no reservations. So we waited, and the wait was rewarded with excellent Greek food. Nothing fancy, just really well prepared food in a lively atmosphere. From the grilled red snapper to the super tender octopus, everything was just simple and delicious. And there was this addictive lemon potato side that I couldn’t stop eating. Next time, I think I need a bigger group so we can order more food!

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