July 22: Imperial No. Nine

scallop ceviche

熱い!この夏NY熱い!ヤバいくらい熱いよ〜そんな日はさっぱりしたシーフード食べたいよね。夏だから外で食事したいけど今日は熱すぎ!だから外っぽい(?)レストランImperial No. Nineへ!ガラス張りだから外の明るさがレストランの明るさ。暗くなって来るとキャンドルの明かりで綺麗!ガーデンっぽいインテリアでもエアコン効いてるから楽ちん。このホタテのセビーチェとってもサッパリで美味しかったよ。

Hot hot hot. Way too hot. NY is boiling. What to eat on a day like this? Light clean flavors. And it’s summer so you want to have dinner al fresco. But it’s too hot today. So, I went to Imperial No. Nine where the gorgeous restaurant looks like a garden. They have a glass ceiling so the light in the sky is the light in the dining room. And there’s A/C! As the sky gets dark, the candles light up the resto. Really pretty. And the menu by Chef Sam Talbot fits the season. Light clean flavors (like this scallop ceviche) with the occasional hearty side dish for balance (cous cous with a poached egg).

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